Looking Back And Moving Forward
Oct 18, 2019

The 2019 crop year is not over yet but I believe it is safe to say we have it in the short rows now. Fall is finally in the air and there is a huge difference in our field conditions today versus this time last year. Growers in my area are harvesting crops at a very fast pace and preparing fields for next spring. From my viewpoint in the lower delta , growers have done everything humanly possible to grow a complete crop from what began as a very challenging spring to say the very least with many fields and farms having to be patched together early on. Even with planting and fertilizer applications spread out during the spring , the combination of heat units and day length has a way of bringing everything together toward the end of the season. It is far from a perfect crop , but it is better than many had expected when we were heading into May.
Growers throughout the delta have been working pretty much nonstop ever since planting was complete and they were finally able to establish a stand. There we didn't seem to have any layby time this season , because it seemed as if one task or crop on the farm overlapped onto another. This was primarily caused by the staggered planting times and in many cases replanting of whole fields. These are just a few reasons that many growers and their families are ready to get everything harvested and put 2019 in the books.
Even with all of the bumps and bruises that 2019 has dished out , growers , as always , are forward thinking and resilient. Most every conversation that I’ve had with a grower recently has at some point turned to next year as to how and what we are going to do the same or differently. How to continue on with what went right and how to change what went wrong. It is that type of drive , enthusiasm and resiliency that makes all of us at GreenPoint AG ever so grateful and proud that our customers allow us to be the supplier of choice for their farm and their farm families. Now , onto 2020.
The foundation for 2020 is being laid right now. Grid samples are being pulled , fields are being fertilized and yield data is being evaluated. For growers , grid sampling is one of the most important things that can be done on your farm this fall and the best time to do it is right now. The ag tech specialist responsible for my area has several acres scheduled to be sampled in the next couple of weeks and more orders for sampling are being added each day. I have to say , these ag tech guys are really well coordinated and efficient.
While working alongside your local GreenPointAG location personnel , they can have actionable data and recommendations in your hands within just a few days of sampling. This will be used to create the “grocery list” if you will that will be needed for you to feed your 2020 crops and is the first step that can be used to create a strong foundation going into next season.
As always , I hope that you are having a very prosperous and bountiful 2019.
Benny Guerrero
Mer Rouge , LA
Growers throughout the delta have been working pretty much nonstop ever since planting was complete and they were finally able to establish a stand. There we didn't seem to have any layby time this season , because it seemed as if one task or crop on the farm overlapped onto another. This was primarily caused by the staggered planting times and in many cases replanting of whole fields. These are just a few reasons that many growers and their families are ready to get everything harvested and put 2019 in the books.
Even with all of the bumps and bruises that 2019 has dished out , growers , as always , are forward thinking and resilient. Most every conversation that I’ve had with a grower recently has at some point turned to next year as to how and what we are going to do the same or differently. How to continue on with what went right and how to change what went wrong. It is that type of drive , enthusiasm and resiliency that makes all of us at GreenPoint AG ever so grateful and proud that our customers allow us to be the supplier of choice for their farm and their farm families. Now , onto 2020.
The foundation for 2020 is being laid right now. Grid samples are being pulled , fields are being fertilized and yield data is being evaluated. For growers , grid sampling is one of the most important things that can be done on your farm this fall and the best time to do it is right now. The ag tech specialist responsible for my area has several acres scheduled to be sampled in the next couple of weeks and more orders for sampling are being added each day. I have to say , these ag tech guys are really well coordinated and efficient.
While working alongside your local GreenPointAG location personnel , they can have actionable data and recommendations in your hands within just a few days of sampling. This will be used to create the “grocery list” if you will that will be needed for you to feed your 2020 crops and is the first step that can be used to create a strong foundation going into next season.
As always , I hope that you are having a very prosperous and bountiful 2019.
Benny Guerrero
Mer Rouge , LA