2019 Seed Care

Jan 11, 2019

2019 Seed Care

The 2019 Planting season is almost here , and you are probably in the midst of creating a planting strategy for your soybean fields. Decide what seed treatment you will use now to save time and ensure your seed is ready to go with the proper treatments applied.
Early Decisions Have long term impacts. 
If you have to plant early into cold , wet soils , you will likely have issues with delayed emergence and disease. Using a quality seed treatment on your soybeans helps protect your seed investment. GreenPoint AG offers many quality seed care products. Depending on your production situation and geography in which you farm , there are differences on what seed care options you should consider. Consult your local GreenPoint AG Advisor to decide which option fits your operation best.
Warden® CX seed treatment can optimize yield potential and improve root health and plant vigor in soybeans by helping reduce disease and insect damage.  Results from the Answer Plot® Program show a positive response to soybean seed treated with Warden® CX seed treatment compared with an untreated control group. The treated seeds garnered a 2.1 bu/A average positive response.1
This seed treatment incorporates the active ingredient from Cruiser® insecticide to provide protection against seed- and foliar-feeding insects. It also contains three fungicides that provide multiple modes of action:

  • Sedaxane for Rhizoctonia protection

  • The highest rate of mefenoxam commercially available for Pythium and Phytopthora protection

  • Fludioxonil for Fusarium protection

INTEGO® SUITE Soybeans seed treatment is an all-in-one premix that contains the latest soybean fungicide seed treatment for control of Pythium and Phytophthora. Our local trials show an average of a 1.5 bushel increase over standard seed treatments sold in the market. 
Intego Suite offers a dual mode of action that creates a complete zone of defense above and below the ground. This helps to protect against a wide spectrum of Pythium and phytophthora species. Intego Suite also has some insect protection as well. Valent Side by side

Source: (Valent) 

Insect and Disease Control are Just the Beginning.
 While there are multiple products you can apply to seed today both for disease and insect control , you should take some time to consider an inoculant. This product , given the right conditions , can truly give soybean seed the start it needs to survive our harsh southern environment. 
Soybeans are generally known to fix nitrogen on their own. That’s an expectation that helps us manage them. We know that in certain conditions soybeans ability to fixate nitrogen is hindered due to environmental conditions. Inoculants help soybeans get off to a great start by developing extensive and healthy root systems that help set the stage for higher yields and healthier plants.
There are several inoculant options out in the market place that give you great nodulation and fixation. My recommendation would be to work with one of your local GreenPoint AG Advisors to understand why or if you need an inoculant for your soybeans. Inoculants are living organisms and need to be handled and placed properly to gain the most ROI. GreenPoint AG’s Advisors have been trained to properly place and use all our seed care options.
Don’t Risk Loss

No one knows what spring will bring for soybean planting conditions. And we can’t rely on the calendar to tell us when a seed treatment will do the most good. Be on the safe side and manage your soybean crop with a proven seed care plan to lessen the risk of stand loss from disease , insect pressure , and environmental conditions. 
The temptation to save a few dollars on seed treatment upfront could cost you dearly at emergence , early development , and harvest in lost ROI and diminished yield. Talk with your trusted GreenPoint AG Advisor today about what soybean seed care options make the most sense for your operation.
Cruiser is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

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