How GreenPoint AG Technology Can Help You This Season

Mar 12, 2020

GreenPoint AG Ag Technology Team
Are you overwhelmed with all of the technology offerings in agriculture? We understand! The market is flooded and there are a lot of options out there with little to no support to back them. This is where GreenPoint AG can help. Whether you are unsure of how to get started using ag technology on your farm or are already implementing it, but aren’t reaping the rewards yet, GreenPoint AG has a local Ag Technology Specialist (ATS) or sales rep is ready to help. Technology implementation, data collection, data interpretation, and planning are all aspects our team covers. 

We understand that every farm is unique, and we strive to provide the best service to increase your return on investment. To begin, we will walk you through the steps to get started with an ag technology program that works for your farm. For those that are already implementing technology, we will help you take the next steps needed to take your operation to the next level. They will work hand in hand with you and your GreenPoint AG sales representative to provide you with services such as seed and fertility prescriptions, record keeping, Climate FieldView setup and maintenance, Tissue Sampling, Soil Sampling, and much more through our ag technology program: Incompass®.

Incompass is a unique suite of software systems that are connected so that your data can be transferred from one software to another—no more having to remember 7 different passwords! Bringing all of your data to one place for you to view, you can choose to share or to not share access with your crop advisors—allowing for you to be the ultimate keeper of your data while giving you the tools you need to make insightful decisions on your farm. 

Good data can be used to make better decisions on the farm. You might know that the low spot in the field always yields lower, but are you treating it the same as you do the high yielding spot of the field?  What if you can maintain yield in the low spot with less inputs and put more into the best acre to increase your return on investment? We can help you put the dollars and cents to each acre. Here’s how: Once you have collected data, we will help you analyze it and create customized plans for your operation. Consider this scenario—you have soil sample data and yield data for a field.  You also have access to variable rate spread fertilizer whether that is with owned equipment or through custom application. We can overlay that data for you and write a variable rate fertilizer prescription for your field, allowing for you to maximize your investment by putting what is needed where it is needed. This is just one of many examples of how we can help you on your farm. Incompass utilizes FieldAlytics, WinField United’s Data Silo, John Deere, Climate FieldView, Slingshot, and more to bring your data together to make decisions. 

We are very proud to offer these services to our customers, and it is not too late to get started for the 2020 season. Reach out to your GreenPoint AG location. It’s easy to get started, and they are eager to meet with you to increase the return on investment for your farm today!

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